Sunday, November 27, 2011

Days by days

Days passed.....
Peoples changed...
Promises broken...
Happiness faded...
Smiles turned upside down...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hoping too high

Now, i realize.
i really setting my hopes TOO high. i hurt my own feelings. now i feel like i dont have one. how cruel?
last night i was reading some of the tweets that really match with me...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

You cant force someone to love you
let the love choose theirs fate

PS *for YOU* = i didnt mean to run away. for now, i just want to stay away from you. cuz the fact is being near you, hurts me a little inside. </3

Saturday, October 29, 2011

My two most fave quotes

"If my bestfriend were to jump off a bridge, i wouldn't jump with them, I would be at the bottom to catch them."

"Live like you're at the bottom even if when you're at the top."

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Another Expression

When my besties asked me about "x" she absolutely seems like this.....::

and she was like all the way teasing me... -__-
then i was just put on my "creepy smile" on my face, with a lil wink wink on my eyes...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Up and Down

its confusing me
i dont know why?
but everytime he throw me on the ground
then, he brings me up again
everytime i almost touch the ground
he come to pick me up and fly me to the beautiful sky
when im about to fall, he catches me and fly me to the moon

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I wish I'm a vampire

Today was another day..
we met
but we didnt talked
we just stared at each other
i wonder, what did he think?
i doubt that he actually know that im exist
i always feel like im the "invisible" one for him
well, anyway i have to keep positive thinking right?
eventhough, MAYBE at the end, i couldnt

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Just editing some stuffs

My friends back in Jambi
My keyboard. <3


Hello October, please be my bestfriend.
Udah Oktober ya? Time flies so fast, i even cant feel how good September was. But hey? Ayo deh, bulan ini dibuka sama MidTest Biologi, keren gak tuh? Semoga aja dari permulaan yang freak dan cukup membuat aku down banget ini, aku bisa ngakhirin bulan ini dengan 'good news'. Actually, targetnya bulan ini sih, lagi pengen banget nyari dan ikut-ikutan lomba. Gapeduli mau lomba english, poster atau apalah pokoknya lagi pengen aja gitu. (Meskipun udah dapet deadline) suruh bikin essay tentang 9 museum di jogja *hore keliling jogja!* *lu pikir kaga cape* -_- tapi gapapa lah anggap aja its like a challenge *well, IT IS!* dan lagi kan lumayan deh tuh kalo menang kan dapet hadiah, tapi kalo ga menang juga gapapa sih, paling nggak kan dapet poin plus berapa kek gitu. 
Ooops. I gotta go! I should really hit my book, tomorrow is my last MidTest day..wish me luck guys. :p


Saturday, October 1, 2011

My Passion. ♥

Will You Stop?

Will you stop cheating and give your friends YOUR ANSWER during exam, if i tell you that, cheating during a test, means you are saving more...more...more...sins for your self in the future? and in the next life? And should i tell you too that, if you give YOUR ANSWER to your friends during test, u'll get MUCH MORE sin than your friends that asking for your answer? is that even FAIR?
i didn't say that i NEVER cheating in my whole life, im NOT naive. i know i ever did that several times, but then i realized, that cheating means, you lie about the existence of GOD, when u cheating u always consider no ones would ever see you, right? Do you forget that GOD always see every single things that happen in our life? include cheating? so, i hope u realize it...and i also wish, someday you'll answer my question below with a BIG YES, I WILL.


PS: I dont mean to be "know it all" but that just TRUE.

Friday, September 30, 2011

MidTest + 1day left = End.

Okay, so mid test is about to end, and i've no idea about my mark would be. im so stressed out till today, cuz tomorrow i got a biology exam comin up. Am i getiin' nervous? the answer is def a YES. I AM NERVOUS. i am thinkin' about the questions would be, my biology teacher's face, my friends' face (?). And 'what would it be if i cant answer the questions?' thats the only question that keep buzzing on my mind. but i just try to be an optimistic, i dont wanna be a pessimist. But if you ask me, Am i concern about my mark? yes, i am. i mean every students is of course concern about their own mark. im so scared if i cant get a good mark. cuz my biggest fear is if i cant make my parents proud of me. i always that i can pay them back someday, for every single things that they gave to me. im so scared if i disappointed them. i mean, they gave me their everything: money, love, affection, caring, everything. then i just want to make my parents proud of me, so that they wont think that im not good enough for everything that they gave.
Just please wish me luck for tomorrow, and my mark. *finger crossed*

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I AM the champion

I AM the champion! not WE, :p
you know? yesterday i had a physic exam, so one day before it came on, i studied really hard, i found a REALLY Difficult question...i was so depressed till i looked like this uncool guy on harry potter...
but then i just try that REALLY DIFFICULT  question...i found a formula!....
one more time....LIKE A BOSS!!!!

im sorry this wasnt supposed to be that weird and  dorky post but well idontgiveashitanyway

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Jonas To Indonesia....

There would come a time
when Jonas Brothers finally hold a concert in Indonesia, and i'd be all....
and i'll stare the news for a while, try to figure out if that one is true or not. then i realize its true...i'll go..
YEAH!!!! i'll go running and dancing around the house like....
i'll go to my mom and ask her, if i can get to meet them or not, but if she said "NO" id be...


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Letter To Him

I know we hardly meet up
I know we barely even talk
But i always consider we've done all of that
I just can't stop thinking about it
im just too insecure with my selfcuz i always think i dont deserve you
i always think im not good enough for you
can you be mine? can i just be yours??
can we only be friend?
Thats all i wanna say..
sorry i cant say this to you directly...
im too scared if words to you will break my own heart...

Monday, June 13, 2011

just another event.

Yesterday's interview was awesome. i and my group got to met a really nice tourist. well, at first we were just walkin around the malioboro street then there are actually alot of tourist walking and passed by. but we just a bunch of a fuckin pussy to cut them on the street and suddenly said "Hi" it just kinda awkward. FYI, hell yeah, we got 12 tourist that we "ignored" and all we got just a couple of tourist. they were in a drug store, bought some stuffs, and im actually the one who started the convo. and they were really nice! they're from Denmark it was pretty obvious. her name is Tania.. hohoho...and we also got to took a pic with them... muehhehhehe

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday Lazy Morning.. (?)

well....disinilah aku
terkapar ga berdaya diatas tempat tidur ngeliatin jari lari-lari kesana kemari diatas keyboard laptop buat ngetik postingan ini. hm ya gitudeh kerjaan kalo hari minggu subuh...BLOGGING~ ga jelas gitu. masih jam 4 sih ini, sepiiii, jadiya parno-an aja kalo ada backsound2 ga enak dikamar, meskipun cuma cicak yang numpang lewat, itu bikin parno-nya ampun setengah idup! #okelebay. hari ini cuma ada kegiatan interview turis gitu deh. honestly, im kinda interested with that project, karna disamping bisa ng-improve inggris aku tpi juga bisa jalan2 juga (meskipun mungkin rada ga asik kali ya kalo siang2 panas2 kering kerontang ga ada air buat mandi, minum *nahlo ini kenapa?*)
pookoke hari ini mau di puas2in buat melampiaskan nafsu bejat #eh maksudnya nafsu bersenang2, nonton, tweeting, bbm-ing. secara, kan abis UKK tuh..??? yah meskipun hasilnya belom keluar tapi ya udah deh pasrah tapi tetep berdoa semoga dapet yang terbaik buat aku. "God always know which one is the best for us" so dont worry, be happy.

Much Love
My Self xoxo!!!

Miss my old friends

im crying, i was watching a video that my friend shared to me on facebook and it was really sweet. i even cant forget the time i spent with them when i still in Jambi. well it was good times. i feel so blessed to get to know them as my friends. thank God. :')

Exam is DONE *5secsDance*

yo yo yo...
yea finally, the exam has done. i dont know how the score would be. im just praying, waiting, and accepting cuz i've study hard and worked hard on it to make it happen. but i know that God always know which is the best for me. so, well it was a pretty difficult exam so im not sure with my score. all i gonna say just sorry mom/parents if i got a less mark than the previous sems.
ok, so lets just forget that sucks exam. i just wanna chill cuz im stressed out, kinda depress. these stuff are just givin me too much pressure. huh.
i've been....i dunno how many times i cried over this exam. im just too scared if i cant make my parents proud of me. cuz they gave me everything that i possibly need and for me making them not proud is like my biggest fear.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Moon and Star

I lay on the soft grass, under the beautiful dark sky
A beautiful moon surrounded by the stars
I saw the stars sparkling
Seems like they were talking to me
I put my mind up there
Think about something that has been mixed up in my mind
Something that I miss
Something that I want to meet
I looked up to the moonlight and those sparkly stars
Hope they know what I feel
Dear moon and stars,
I hope you feel me and you can send this to them…
I just wanna let them know I miss them a little bit more than I did before…

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hey...just make this new one

im here (again)
i made this site..
well, just ignore this one
