Saturday, October 29, 2011

My two most fave quotes

"If my bestfriend were to jump off a bridge, i wouldn't jump with them, I would be at the bottom to catch them."

"Live like you're at the bottom even if when you're at the top."

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Another Expression

When my besties asked me about "x" she absolutely seems like this.....::

and she was like all the way teasing me... -__-
then i was just put on my "creepy smile" on my face, with a lil wink wink on my eyes...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Up and Down

its confusing me
i dont know why?
but everytime he throw me on the ground
then, he brings me up again
everytime i almost touch the ground
he come to pick me up and fly me to the beautiful sky
when im about to fall, he catches me and fly me to the moon

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I wish I'm a vampire

Today was another day..
we met
but we didnt talked
we just stared at each other
i wonder, what did he think?
i doubt that he actually know that im exist
i always feel like im the "invisible" one for him
well, anyway i have to keep positive thinking right?
eventhough, MAYBE at the end, i couldnt

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Just editing some stuffs

My friends back in Jambi
My keyboard. <3


Hello October, please be my bestfriend.
Udah Oktober ya? Time flies so fast, i even cant feel how good September was. But hey? Ayo deh, bulan ini dibuka sama MidTest Biologi, keren gak tuh? Semoga aja dari permulaan yang freak dan cukup membuat aku down banget ini, aku bisa ngakhirin bulan ini dengan 'good news'. Actually, targetnya bulan ini sih, lagi pengen banget nyari dan ikut-ikutan lomba. Gapeduli mau lomba english, poster atau apalah pokoknya lagi pengen aja gitu. (Meskipun udah dapet deadline) suruh bikin essay tentang 9 museum di jogja *hore keliling jogja!* *lu pikir kaga cape* -_- tapi gapapa lah anggap aja its like a challenge *well, IT IS!* dan lagi kan lumayan deh tuh kalo menang kan dapet hadiah, tapi kalo ga menang juga gapapa sih, paling nggak kan dapet poin plus berapa kek gitu. 
Ooops. I gotta go! I should really hit my book, tomorrow is my last MidTest day..wish me luck guys. :p


Saturday, October 1, 2011

My Passion. ♥

Will You Stop?

Will you stop cheating and give your friends YOUR ANSWER during exam, if i tell you that, cheating during a test, means you are saving more...more...more...sins for your self in the future? and in the next life? And should i tell you too that, if you give YOUR ANSWER to your friends during test, u'll get MUCH MORE sin than your friends that asking for your answer? is that even FAIR?
i didn't say that i NEVER cheating in my whole life, im NOT naive. i know i ever did that several times, but then i realized, that cheating means, you lie about the existence of GOD, when u cheating u always consider no ones would ever see you, right? Do you forget that GOD always see every single things that happen in our life? include cheating? so, i hope u realize it...and i also wish, someday you'll answer my question below with a BIG YES, I WILL.


PS: I dont mean to be "know it all" but that just TRUE.